Wednesday, September 30, 2009

New Moon Posters

Three new New Moon posters were recently revealed by Summit.

Bella & The Cullens (hmmm the embrace is a little 'over the top' for New Moon, looks more Breaking Dawn-ish to me)

The Wolf Pack - I think this is great, the wolf pack seems perfect to me.

The Volturi - I'm still just not sure about the Volturi, waiting to see them in the film.

What do you think?? Which one is your favorite?


  1. Dead on with the way everyone looks, except for the Volturi. Why on why do they have to have really bad mullets? I don't get it. And the embrace is a little much, you were spot on when you said its BDish, Jenn! But they all have a beautiful dark feel to them and oh lord is the wolf pack one hot! Of course I have the Cullens as my desktop background. ; )

  2. Haha, Becky! I love the mullet comment. Maybe they are trying for Middle Ages/Renaissance hairstyles but missed by a few hundred years. I love the embrace! He looks like he is trying to protect her (as he does so often) and Bella is taking advantage of it to push him farther into intimacy (as she does so often!). The Wolf Pack is spot on - I love the differing attitudes of each member. I have my tickets for the Harrisburg midnight showing! Can't wait...
