Tuesday, April 28, 2009

LOL ...... Twilight with cheeseburgers

Here's a little something to make you laugh. I think it's hilarious, although the end is a little weird. Thanks to Twilight Guide for the find


  1. OMG!!! How on earth did someone even think of this? haha Yeah the end was creepy how he spit it back out...

    I does make you relate to how badly Edward wanted Bella though. Of course only if you're a beef fan!

  2. LOL Yeah he wanted her like a big juicy cheeseburger or even better a veggieburger :-)

  3. Really funny and creative! I agree with Rebecca, it's a great illustration of how the Edward and the rest of the vampires saw Bella, and how they thought Edward was crazy. Also, when he kissed the cheesburger (now there's a phrase I never thought I'd write!!) it made me think of the line in Breaking Dawn where Bella asked Edward if he missed her human traits and Edward told her to remember the scent of the humans and said "Imagine kissing *that.*"

  4. Stacey - I remember that part of Breaking Dawn and you're right it is like that. I couldn't help laugh out loud when you wrote....
    Also, when he kissed the cheesburger (now there's a phrase I never thought I'd write!!)

  5. I forgot to mention that I think the Sparkling in this video was better than the movie and I don't recall hearing any little bells ringing :-)
