Monday, April 20, 2009

Video of Cast in Birthday Party Outfits on Set of New Moon reports that The New Moon cast recorded this special greeting for Italian New Moon fans.

SO it looks like they were filming the birthday party here, as earlier reports from fans around Vancouver had indicated. What are your thoughts on how they all look. I'm having a little trouble seeing them since it's a video someone made of their tv. But I think they look really good (notice Jasper and Esme are kind of hidden, though). From the description/comments on the YouTube video it seems like they made this for the Italian fans possibly for some sort of gathering or convention in Volterra. Not really sure. It's not very 'professionally done' just sort of put together. Well, whatever the reason or circumstance at least we get to see them!!

UPDATE Pattinson Online has the following, which gives more of an explanation.. made a special request to Summit Entertainment for a video message in expectation of the arrival of the New Moon cast and crew in Volterra, Italy in the coming weeks. They got their wish (see a rough translation below) and the following video, only allowed to be shown in Volterra, is the gift they received.
Oh yes, this time the Summit Entertainment has given us a beautiful gift.
Days ago we requested a greeting or message of the cast to the city of Volterra and the participants in the national meeting of the Twilighters of 18/19 April.
The idea was greeted with enthusiasm and 16 April (at 4 am …) in Vancouver … the Cullen family … is presented in front of the cameras to greet Volterra and fan assembly. The movie we’ve seen is very short but so funny (with which Cullen led by Kristen Stewart trying to deal with the Italian language) and is one of the first
official shots from within the … set of The Twilight Saga: NEW MOON.

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