Tuesday, May 19, 2009

New Moon Movie Poster (OFFICIAL)

The Official Movie Poster was leaked on-line yesterday. BUT the Summit officially released the high quality version this morning!!!! What do you think??? I really love it, I think the placement of Jacob is a little odd, it's Edward's leaving that drives this story, not really Jacob getting between them. Eh, I LOVE it anyway. We are one step closer to the movie!!! (eta: Now we just need an official photo of the Volturi!)


  1. I agree with you about the placement of Jacob...it looks like he's keeping Bella from running after Edward as he's walking away. But that being said, I freaking LOVE it!!! So much better than the Twilight poster. Gives me seriously high hopes for New Moon!

  2. I really like it but slightly disappointing for me...

    Rob looks more like Rob then I thought he should and his shirt is sooo not poster worthy(he still looks hot of course).

    Why is Edward front and center like he's the focus of the movie? Hmmm. Love seeing him but doesn't feel all that right to me.

    I love the way Jacob looks and I'm not Team Jacob! He gets my attention the most when I look at the image. Of course I look at Bella because I have to when she's the one staring at us! But it does make it feel like she is choosing him over Edward the way she's touching him and stuff, oh and how they seem to match each other!

    Love the creepy fog, trees and moon! Amanada was right, this does give high hopes for the movie - it's better then Twilight already.

    Did I just spend all that time analyzing a picture? haha!

  3. You know what else I just noticed? When you look closely at Bella she looks more like "After Bella" than "Zombie Bella". I hope they keep her look played down until the appropriate place in BD. I really hope they do a good job of making her look bad in New Moon. When reading the book you can just imagine what a flipping mess the girl was.
