Monday, May 4, 2009

New New Moon Scene (yes i meant to say it twice)

So there's been a lot of buzz over the past few days about a scene with Kristen that was being filmed recently. This seems to be a NON BOOK scene so if you don't want to be spoiled then stop reading here.

OK speculation from those who were watching, is that on the night Bella & Angela go to the movies, Bella takes a motorcylce ride with one of the guys in PortAngeles instead of just talking to him. Here's a video from Vancity Allie of the shoot....

The Bella Motorcycle Mystery (Twilight New Moon) from VancityAllie on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, now I'm going to turn into one of *those* fans who complains over every detail...but seriously, they had a 500 page book and warn us they had to cut things out in the interest of time, then they add elements that S. Meyer didn't write. GRRR! Yet the cast (being true Hollywood diplomats, and wanting to keep their jobs and not tick off the director/writer) claim they are staying as true to the book as possible given the length of the book and the time constraints of the movie!!

    If Melissa Rosenberg wants to write original screenplays, fine...but don't call them Twilight and New Moon.
